3KeyNote 2024
Aligning Teams and Roles in CZERTAINLY: An Effective Approach
Jakub MorávekDone
Building a Robust Cryptography Inventory for the Post-Quantum Era
Roman CinkaisDone
Resource Management: The Often Overlooked Key to Sustained Trust and Security
Ahmad HerzallahDone
Welcome Note
Future Forward: Unveiling Our Roadmap for PKI, PCI, and Encryption
3Key TeamDone
Future-Proofing Security with Crypto Agility
Giulio GennariDone
PKI Maturity Model Updates
Jiří LuckýDone
Organizers, Participants, Partners, AttendeesDone
Public Certificate Monitoring and Transparency
Jan TomášekDone
Leveraging eIDAS Solutions for Faster Digitalization and Enhanced Document Security
11/4/24, 10:45 AM
11/4/24, 11:15 AM
(30 minutes)
In this session, we will delve into how modern eIDAS (Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services) solutions can be applied to streamline internal processes and support both qualified and non-qualified services. By implementing these solutions, organizations can accelerate their digital transformation efforts while improving the security of their documents. We will also explore how eIDAS compliance ensures secure and efficient document archiving, promoting trust and legal certainty in the digital ecosystem.