Open CON | CZERT 2023
Exploring the current landscape
Michal TutkoDone
Coffee Break
Navigating quantum-safe cryptography and cryptoagility
Roman CinkaisDone
Closing Note
Roman CinkaisDone
Forging Ahead - The PKI Maturity Model
Jiří LuckýDone
Adapting for the future
Roman CinkaisDone
Live Demo - Migrating certificates
Ľubomír WassermannDone
Welcome Speech
Roman CinkaisDone
Live Demo - Setting up quantum-ready PKI
11/21/23, 12:45 PM
11/21/23, 1:15 PM
(30 minutes)
In this demonstration session, you will also learn how to set up your first quantum-ready PKI, as well as how to apply the current PQC best practices for crypto agility that you learned earlier in the day.